TMJ Relief options in Escanaba, Mi

Temporomandibular Joint dysfunction (TMJ) is characterized by pain and a compromised  motion of the jaw and surrounding musculature.   When you have trouble moving the jaw when you speak and/or chew your food you may suffer from TMJ. The TMJ acts like a hinge for you jaw, you have one joint on each side of your  skull. If one side doesn't function as well as the other you may develop TMJ.

Here are some signs and symptoms to watch out for:

  • Pain and tenderness of your jaw

  • Pain in one or both of the Temporomandibular joint

  • Aching feeling in and around your ear

  • Difficulty or pain while chewing your food

  • Facial ache or pain

  • Noisy joint upon motion and

  • Joint locking up (difficult open and close mouth).

TMJ disorders can also cause a clicking sound or grating sensation when you open your mouth or chew. But if there'e NO PAIN or limitation of movement associated with your jaw clicking, you probably don't need treatment for TMJ


Gay was having trouble moving her jaw when she ate, after having her TMJ adjusted she is back to eating comfortably.


The three classical signs of TMJ 

  • Pain and tenderness on palpation of the mastication (chewing) muscles. these muscles are located in front of the ear.

  • Limited range of mandibular motion, this may cause difficulty eating or talking.

  • Intermittent noises from jaw movement, such as clicking, grinding or popping sounds.

Females between the ages of 20 -40 are the most affected by TMJ. You may also have a headache, tooth pain, neck pain, diminished hearing, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), dizziness and you may even feel that your teeth aren't lining up correctly. All of these things can be caused by TMJ. Give Lighthouse Chiropractic a call at 786 0400 today and Let Dr Crowe help you start living a happier and healthier life.