Even if your feet don’t hurt, they may be a major factor contributing to your spinal problems. In most instances, spinal-pelvic misalignment is the culprit. Pain in various parts of your body may also be traced directly to your feet. A foot problem may be the cause of discomfort or pain in your leg/hip, back, arm/shoulder or even your neck! Custom-made, flexible orthotics may be part of the solution to your health problems.


The foot is the region of the body distal to the leg and consists of 28 bones. These bones are arranged into longitudinal and transverse arches with the support of various muscles and ligaments. There are three arches in the foot, which are referred to as:

  • Medial longitudinal arch

  • Lateral longitudinal arch

  • Transverse arch

These arches have an important role in standing, walking and running.