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Almost everyone experiences neck pain from time to time during their lives. Doctors estimate that on any given day, 10% of the adult population is suffering from a "Stiff Neck". However, it's a different story when that neck pain persists and becomes chronic. Chronic neck pain can result in both physical and emotional distress. Employment statistics suggest that neck pain is second only to low back pain as a cause of missed worked, affecting as much as 45% of the workforce.


Headaches are a common source of pain for a large number of Americans. 95% of women and 90% of men have had at least one in the last 12 months. For 45 million of us, those headaches are chronic.While a wide variety of over-the-counter and prescription medications have been developed to relieve this pain, they generally do little to address the underlying cause of the problem. In addition, many of these compounds can have unwanted side effects, particularly if they're used often, over a long period of time, or in combination with other medicines.

Herniated Discs

One Of The Most Painful Causes Of Lower Back Pain Occurs When The Spinal Discs In The Lumbar Area Become " Herniated". A Herniated Disc Happens When The Soft Inner Nucleus Of The Disc Pushes Out Into The Cartilaginous Part Of The Disc, Causing A Varying Degree Of "Bulging " In The Disc And Can Create Pressure On The Spinal Nerves. This "Bulging" Causes Pressure on the Nerve Roots And Often The Spinal Cord Itself! Ouch! The Results Can Be Pain In The Lower Back As Well As Numbness, Tingling, Or Weakness In The Legs And Buttocks. Double Ouch!

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain can be acute, meaning it happens suddenly, lasts 6 weeks or less, and often clears up on its own; or Low Back Pain can be chronic, meaning it comes on gradually and lasts 3 months or more. Chronic back pain can be particularly debilitating and can limit movement and mobility.The foundation of chiropractic care for chronic back pain is the understanding that misaligned vertebrae can cause the pain. This misalignment can result in many additional problems, such as headaches, body pains, and impaired joint mobility. Chiropractic treatment aims to restore alignment to the vertebrae, returning natural health to the spine and all the body parts the spinal nerves serve

Sciatic Pain.

Sciatica Is Pain Along The Path Of The Sciatic Nerve Which Extends From The Lower Back ( Lumbar Spine) Down Each Leg. Sciatica Is A Symptom, (Like Itching), It Is Not A Diagnosis (Like Parkinson's Disease). Sciatica Can Range From An Occasional Nuisance To An Excruciating Pain That Makes Walking Near Impossible. There Can Be Multiple Underlying Reasons For Your Sciatic Nerve Pain. A Chiropractor Can Help Find The Root Cause Of The Problem With An Exam And May Also Order Some Diagnostic Imaging Such As An X-ray To Examine The Underlying Structures.

Whiplash Treatment

The Cervical Spine Is Designed To Provide Stability And Structural Support For Your Skull. The Cervical Spine Also Works To Protect The Spinal Cord And The Brain Stem. Nowhere In The Body Is The Relationship Between The Vertebrae, Spinal Cord, Nerve Endings, And Soft Tissue More Susceptible To Injury, Than It Is Here. Are The Injuries You Sustained In The Car Accident Creating Misalignments In Your Spine Called Subluxations? If They Are Subluxations/whiplash They Can Manifest Throughout The Motor, Sensory, And Autonomic Nervous System. This Means You Might Have Problems Sleeping, Numbness And Tingling In The Arms, Or Even Muscle Weakness! Yikes!

Sports Injury Treatment

Chiropractic Care Is An Important Tool In The Arsenal Of Any Athlete. It Has Been Shown To Help Reduce Injuries, Speed Healing Time And Improve Performance. A Study Published In The Journal Of Vertebral Subluxation Research Found A Marked Increase In Athletic Performance, After 14 Weeks Of Chiropractic Adjustments. The Study Shows That The Effect Of Chiropractic Care On The Athletes Was Improved. Their Conclusion States "It Is Evident That The Changes Were Measurable In Regard To Physical Strength And Tests Of Athletic Ability..."

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Cts), Is Named For The Carpal Bones In The Wrist That Form A Tunnel Around The Nerves Leading To The Hand. Cts Is An Injury Usually Caused By Repetitive And Forceful Movements That Result In Swelling Around The Tendons And Causes A Pinching Of The Median Nerve, Causing Pain, Tingling, Lack Of Muscle Strength And Pain Shooting From The Hand To The Shoulder. CTS is A Risk To Most Workers, Such As Those Who Work On Computer, Cash Register And Assembly Line Workers, Who Receive Micro Traumas in the Hands And Wrist On A Daily Basis Due To Repetitive Force, Motion And Stress In The Daily Activities In Their Jobs.

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